Doodles life during a pandemic

May 2020


“Please Stay Away.” With news of other countries opening up, we are learning about the second wave of infections, the resurgence of Covid-19. With this in mid, it is tempting to escape to the cottage or cabin, but the risk of bringing infection or becoming infected in these small communities would put an overwhelming stress on their already stressed medical facilities. Some communities like Bella Bella have warned that visitors will be turned away. Stay home. Stay Safe. Hold the line.


“Ode to Public Transportation.” I saw a posting by Mayor Richard Stewart and he was commenting on Uytae Lee’s YouTube on the fate of public transportation after the pandemic. It is very well done and worthy of a look. I’ll include the link. Transportation via bus, plane or train has changed. How we manage in tight spaces with large groups will have to be explored. Please check out the link or look up Uytae Lee on YouTube. He does lots of videos


During the Pandemic


“The Test.” BC has one of the lowest testing rates. One wonders if the many hoops in place to get testing will be eased. There is a lot of controversy on testing. Do the results make people feel more confident and will they go out more? In the coming weeks, as restrictions ease ( people are already flocking together) will we see a spike in positive cases? Will we head to lockdown again? Stay tuned. Stay safe. As always, click on image for better viewing.

#psndemicart #covidtesting #pandemicvisual journal


“Virtual Appointments.” Thanks to Garcie Wong for the doodle suggestion. Prior to the pandemic, a virtual doctor’s visit was almost unheard of. Now, we can schedule our visits from home. I used to drive my father-in- law to multiple specialists on any given day. Stay safe. Stay apart.


 “Transit Link.” The pandemic has proven that we are links in a chain. If the meat processors get sick with Covid-19, then the chain weakens. When I watched and continue to see bus drivers zooming by with one or two people, I remind myself that the transit system is another link in the chain. Essential service workers still need to get to their job. I salute the lonely drivers who pressed on and continued to provide service. Thank you!

MAY 23rd

 “The New Norm.” Like herding cats and dogs, we are moving forward by wearing masks. It’s no longer thinking about us (which is true too) but, being considerate of others. We’ll see how long mask wearing continues. Out of the bubble headed for trouble? We’ll find out. Behaviors are difficult to change. Enjoy venturing outside and into shops, pubs and breweries. Stay safe. Stay apart.

MAY 27th

Today’s doodle is dedicated to Liz Houlton Schofield and her family. It’s called, “Alone with Mom.” The pandemic makes it impossible for family and friends to get the full assistance, care and support they need. I asked Liz to share a few words of what is happening. “My Mom is dying of cancer. On the day she was diagnosed my Dad was diagnosed with dementia. The pandemic has deprived her of her friends, family and access to terminal care services. The dementia has deprived her of her husband of 64 years, her lover, friend, co-conspirator and father of her children.” To those who families nursing and caring for their dying loved ones—-you have our hearts. (Liz, I cherish our friendship too.) “The Elevator.” Ah the new getting on an elevator. The pandemic has turned even simple tasks into a Rube Goldberg experiment. How to press the buttons without contaminating yourself? How to social distance? Happily, the number of new Covid cases are dropping, but the virus has not vanished. Keep washing your hands...cuz you should anyway. Stay safe. Stay apart.

MAY 30th

 “The Players.” You may have seen a few of these players on your outings. They are well intentioned, but kind of missed the mark. (Yes, I really did see someone cut out a hole in their mask so they could breathe...and not for lip reading as the hole wasn’t that big.) as Dr. Henry says, “Be kind and wear the f*$&#ing mask correctly.” Actually, that quote was from another Dr. Henry. Stay safe. Stay apart. Decorate your face with a stylish mask.


 “The Animals Send Their Hearts.” The pandemic shutdown of normal activities ripples across society. To all the volunteers who look after the critters, riding stables and Aquarium...thank you. If you have excess animal food consider donating it to an animal shelter. Blankets and habitat material are always welcomed. And, if your heart is with the animals, consider making a donation or volunteering. I know I haven’t included all the shelters, feel free to add in the comments below. As always, click on image for better viewing. All my doodles can been foundat 2020 Doodles of Life During a Pandemic. #pandemicart#lovetheanimals#animalshelters


“Masks.” There is the promise of loosening restrictions, but there will be changes. Face masks are likely going to remain a part of our everyday life. With this in mind, fashion masks are popping up everywhere. Some carry logos, some remind us of old television shows ( Star Trek...don’t wear the red mask. The red shirt guy always died.) For those more connected to the animal world. There’s something for you. Let me know what you’ll be wearing in the comments below. As always, click on the image for better viewing. Stay safe. Look fabulous.


No title.


“Oblivious.” We’ve been given lighter restrictions. Gaggles of folks filled the beaches. Dr. Bonny Henry asks that we continue to be kind and remain in small bunches and try to social distance. With 23 positive cases, the total cumulative for last weekend, we know the virus remains. Perhaps, this change in thought and approach indicates we must press on—given how the economy has suffered. There will be losses. Sacrifices will be made. Be kind. Be safe.


“Plexi-Yoga.” A bit of light-hearted for the beginning of a long weekend. Stay safe. Stay apart.


“Countdown to 20:20” Although grads from their various institutions will not be feted and celebrated as usual, the community wants to help. On June 20th at 8:20pm...make some noise. Bang pots, sing, shout out for the graduating class of 2020. #pandemicart #2020celebration #gradsof2020


“Money for All.” The pandemic is a phenomenal black swan event causing economic hardship and causing businesses to close. The government response has been swift. Money is being deployed hand over fist. The economic impact crater is wide, and the debt incurred to fill in the damage will be felt for years. Today, if you need shopping—shop local. And, if you have a bit extra, think about giving a donation. Stay safe. Stay apart. Protect your bubble.


“Immortalizing 2020.” The pandemic has given rise to the Arts, or a better appreciation of them. To all those who decided to tip-toe into their right brain and create— good for you. (Happily the left didn’t feel left out as art and creation is a whole brain activity). Keep creating textile artists making masks, rock painters and those who snip and paste hearts.


Today’s doodle is dedicated to Liz Houlton Schofield and her family. It’s called, “Alone with Mom.” The pandemic makes it impossible for family and friends to get the full assistance, care and support they need. I asked Liz to share a few words of what is happening. “My Mom is dying of cancer. On the day she was diagnosed my Dad was diagnosed with dementia. The pandemic has deprived her of her friends, family and access to terminal care services. The dementia has deprived her of her husband of 64 years, her lover, friend, co-conspirator and father of her children.” To those who families nursing and caring for their dying loved ones—-you have our hearts. (Liz, I cherish our friendship too.)


“Waiting in Line.” This is dedicated to all those folks who stood in line to get into a store. Let’s remember those 1.5-2 hour waits. Let’s remember how we posted wait times for others. Ahhh...the good old yesterday.


Got a request to do a birthday party, and send birthday wishes to all those who had to celebrate their day a different way. Today’s doodle is called, “Zoom Birthday.” We might see more Zoom birthdays depending on if the flatten curve decides


“Super Nurses.” During war, peace, storms and pandemics...they are there. Proud I am a nurse (retired). To all the nurses who work their buns off to keep us healthy and care for us when we are ill.


We have to wait our turn.


“Expanding the Bubble.” Thanks to Christa Clutson for telling me how happy and overwhelmed she felt when she could finally hug her grandchildren again. Dr. Bonnie Henry has lifted restrictions to level two. Malls and shops will open. Hairdressers will available to remedy Pandemhair. Starting June 1, children can return to school once per week with staggered classes and classmates. With caution, we move forward. The virus hasn’t gone away, but hopefully we can keep clusters of infection manageable. Stay safe. Stay apart. Protect the bubble.


“Venturing Out.” The malls have opened. In venturing out, I have seen all types of protective wear and gear. Please be kind. Give everyone their space. As always, click on the image for better viewing. If you have a doodle idea, send it along. Stay safe.
Stay apart.


“Drive-in Grad.” This piece is for Tine Meneer, a proud grad mother. A gentle reminder...on June 20 at 20:20 (8:20), please pull out your pots, pans and kazoos and help make some noise for the graduating class of 2020.

MAY 31th

“Baby Boom.” On the 84th day of the pandemic, Spring is emerging full force. Allergies are also in bloom and people are sneezing and coughing their way through the cottonwood which drifts and hangs in the air like Covid-19. Be kind. Stay safe. Stay Apart


“Conspiracy Theories.” This post was inspired by Deanna Jones. There are lots of theories floating around on the Internet about the origin of the virus. We may never know the truth. Fake news has made us skeptics of everything. Get outside today. Breathe. May the forth be with you. Please send along your doodle ideas. As always, click on image for better viewing.


“The Graduates.” It was announced yesterday that restrictions are lifting a bit. We can gather in small groups of six if we continue to practice safety precautions. Children may be able to go back to school in some form, but everything has changed. To the graduates of are special. You may not get the traditional ceremonies and rights of passage. It will be different, but every effort is being made by your schools to make you feel special as you transition to the next stage. This doodle also sends thanks to all the teachers— without you we wouldn’t have our children’s best cheerleaders. Thank you for all that you do.


It’s Mother’s Day in Canada. Sending Love to all the Mamas out there. Today’s doodle celebrates the first meeting and social distancing to celebrate a birthday. It’s called, “ The Ambush Birthday” as titled by the birthday gal herself. Enjoy the day. Spoil your mothers and yourselves.


“Going up the Wall.” Happy day 66 since the pandemic was declared. Stay safe. Stay apart.


“Delivery Day.” This doodle was suggested by Jenny Ihaksi...thanks Jenny. I was reminded of all the delivery trucks who bring us the essentials of life. And, before I forget, I want to remind myself how the postal service and deliveries delayed their wares by a few extra days to ensure Covid-19 wasn’t being transmitted on the boxes. As always, click on the image for better viewing. If you have a doodle idea, send me a message. Stay safe. Stay apart


“Books.” The libraries continue to support the community with books and movies — online and curbside pick up. Your local library has so much to offer. Check out their range of on line services. This doodle is also for Julie Ferguson who adopted a cat. Welcome to the bigger family, Pixie.


“Online Homes.” This doodle is dedicated to all the real estate agents who have been selling homes to their clients online without physical contact. It’s another example of how the pandemic continues to ripple through our economy. Selling and buying a home carry new challenges— physical distancing being just one. Prices are dropping. And, there is a looming threat not realized yet— foreclosure. Let’s hope that as the restrictions ease, and people return to work, this last threat is reduced.

MAY 29TH - B

“Last Drive.” Today is the last time first responders will drive by and celebrate hospital frontline workers. Bang your pots and pans. Let’s hope this is the last time we need our Covid frontliners.