Doodles life during a pandemic

April 2020

April 1st - B

Because it’s April Fool’s extra doodle called, “Physically Distancing Myself from the Family.”

April 5th

“Game vs Nature.”

April 9th

“Covacay.” Happy long weekend celebrating the Spring holidays, Easter and Passover. Please stay home

April 13th

“Sports Night in Canada.”

April 17th

“Tea with Dr. Bonnie.” I have to thank Sue French for sending out reminders that she was having tea with everyone’s favourite chief Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, Health Minister Adrian Dix and Nigel Howard, sign language interpreter.

April 20th - B

This one is called, “Covid Hair.” Our beloved Canadian Prime Minister has been toughing it out with us. He too has Pandemic hair. Every day we get an update on the crisis and a peak into this season’s fashions. I believe someone is penning an erotic fan club book called, “speak Moistly to Me.”

April 23rd

“Lists.” We can’t escape list making even during our forced seclusion. The daily routine continues, but is modified. For those who have never worked from home before, it can be liberating and distracting. The must do’s are whittled down to essentials— put on clothes for conferences and meetings, reach out to family, care for pets and eat. Sadly, our time in isolation continues as a spike in cases has occurred (7 days after Easter...) The list of government monetary supports continues to expand. The vast scope includes—public, businesses and sectors. It is unprecedented.

April 26th

“Closed Happy Places.” Right now, I’m a little tired of my staycation and dream of visiting happy places. It will happen, just need to be patient. I didn’t include going to the family cottage. This might be a separate doodle. Thanks to all for supporting my doodling— your ideas are welcomed. As always, click on the image for better viewing.

#pandemicart #doodles #visualjournalofapandemic

April 30th

“Spring Fashion.” It’s acceptable to go out in public dressed in pajamas. Personal grooming is optional. We are becoming naturalized and discover the real colour of our hair, and what happens to the heels of our feet when not shoved into shoes. Not matter what, you’re beautiful! Enjoy the freedom of being yourself. Stay safe. Stay home.

#Pandemicart #2020Doodles #Livinglifenatural

April 2nd

Today’s doodle is dedicated to respiratory therapists. Joanne Terry. It’s called, “Recording for Mommy at Work.”

April 6th

“ No Sirens Needed.” The sun is shining through my window, and I am grateful to be with my family. My heart goes out to all people, not just those in the USA, who have lost a loved one.

April 10th

“Home Efforts.” Thanks to all the people at home contributing to the frontline and those in need.

April 14th

No Title.

April 18th

 “Distant News.” I wanted to record how Covid-19 changed broadcasting. Every news item was about the pandemic. The pace and spread of the virus as rampant as fake news and distorted facts found online.

April 21th

When we sang and thanked the grocery clerk.” Exceptional times calls for exceptional acts of kindness. In Port Moody, we celebrate all the grocers and staff for helping us get our food and necessities. Stores offering online shopping a safe, curb side pick up. And, offering seniors and frontline workers the opportunity to shop early. Controlled settings ( one way aisles, safe distance dots on the floors, limiting numbers of people in the store) and line ups. Must draw a line up for big food retailer( wait in line 1.5- 2 hours!), coffee shops...Thanks to the grocers.



April 24th

“Fearful.” The idea for this doodle came from Krys Hunter. Everyone has fears—Covid-19, financial, job security, children’s education— the list is long. For those who have cancer, immunosuppressive diseases, or disabilities, the threats are amplified. And, for nurses, doctors and other health care specialists, they are fearful of contagion. The health care environment is unnaturally oppressive as every avenue of safety is implemented to protect all. This is our new reality. When we most need empathy and the care that comes with human touch, it must be isolated by latex and crinkled gown. Sending hugs to health warrior

April 27th

“Helpless at Home.” There are lots of families under pressure, stressed, some suffering from addiction and mental health issues. These issues aren’t new, but with enforced distancing and stay at home measures, the vulnerable are at greater risk. I have noted from the news and postings that there are more children/teens running away. Please make food donations to your local food bank. Support transition homes. Reach out to neighbours.

April 3rd

“Care Home Worries.”

April 7th

“Benevolent Dictators.” Stay the course, folks. Keep your loved ones safe.

April 11th

First Day.” There are many firsts in a Pandemic...even happy moments. Stay home. Stay safe. We’re mid-way through this...keep going.

April 15th

“Sharing is Caring.” It’s dedicated to all the volunteers supporting those in need.

April 19th

"Sunday Sorrows.” To all those who are grieving— the loss of a loved one from Covid-19, health issue or accident. I’m sorry you must grieve alone and without ceremony. The news reports all the deaths from the pandemic as numbers, but these were people who had lives, families and contributed to our communities. In quiet reflection, I sit beside you and feel the weight of your loss.

April 22nd - A

“Signs of the Times.” The pandemic has restricted our movement within the community. However, we are encouraged to go out for walks. With lots of reminders planted on the way, we social distance and we discover rocks of encouragement. Today, when you go out to get away from Covid-19 news and possibly your family, please send a small prayer to the families who needlessly lost their loved ones to murder in Nova Scotia. Take a few steps from them. No funeral processions and services will mark their loss. We must bow our heads and do it for them.

April 25th - A

“We’re Okay.” We worry about our parents and grandparents. They are missing from our lives, but not our hearts. Let’s learn from them—be playful, accept each day with joy, be active, do what you love, be grateful, tell people you love them. Today, we thank the elders who are a part of our lives. “B.C. could be reaching the 'maintenance phase' of its COVID-19 pandemic. Don't think about booking haircuts or going to concerts anytime soon, but some changes could come.”

April 28th

“Artists @ Home.” There have been postings, podcasts, YouTubes put out by artists of all kinds. Sharing their craft might be how they make their livelihood or sharing for the pleasure of giving back to the community. Artists interpret and communicate in ways which with invoke thought, will entertain and inspire. Thanks to all who have uploaded their craft during this pandemic.

April 1st - A

Choosing What to Do.

April 4th

 “Coming Home.” Celebrating all who work in hospitals.

April 8th

“The Shape of the Day.” Sending thanks to all the teachers working from home.

April 12th

 “Plank the Curve.” Thanks for staying home. Your actions help protect everyone.

April 16th

“Feeding the Frontline.” Many thanks to all the restaurants that have donate meals to the frontline workers. A special shoutout to Fred Soofi, owner of Pasta Polo, and generous donator to many causes locally and abroad. He was one of the first help out during the Covid pandemic. The public is encouraged to support local businesses and restaurants. Take out or delivery services are offered. Many businesses are offering discounts. By supporting local business, you help keep staff employed and get well fed.

April 20th - A

“Gear Givers.” This past weekend, there was a change in the air. Perhaps, it was Dr. Bonnie Henry whispering that restrictions might be lifted; or, people are done with being socially isolated. Whatever the reason, the Covid-19 numbers have dropped and clusters remain in Care Home and in prisons. Let’s hope we are seeing the light. It’s still early days. I hope we don’t have a resurgence of cases, but if we do, we can thank all the people and businesses that heeded the call from the government and donated medical gear of all sorts to our hospitals. Like Merchant marines, they stepped up donating from their companies or purchasing items that were required. ( Who would have thought baby monitors with screens would be needed.) Many donors were anonymous. So, I think it fitting that they be honoured here. Thank you!

April 22nd - B

No Title.

April 25th - B

“Bleachies: Chunky Chews.” Dr. Mr. President Trump, certified Dr. Google, gives advice on how to get rid of a Covid infection. His treatment plan has gone media viral. **Disclaimer...I need to say it...Do not drink bleach, brush your teeth, clean your eyes or use bleach in any form in or on your body.

April 29th

“The 50 Day Garden.” The pandemic garden doodle was suggested by Jennifer Yolland and Tracy Green. It’s fitting that we head outside and plant seeds. In the 50 days since the World Health Organization declared a world pandemic, a pumpkin would have sprouted and ripened. If you started a garden 50 days ago, you’d have a solid crop of snap peas, beets, broccoli, cucumbers and green name a few. In 50 days, we have lost over three million (3,000,000) people worldwide to Covid-19. The virus continues to spread, although it is slowing down in places. We face a new reality...ongoing clusters of infection until a vaccine can be found, or herd immunity. Planting and pruning.