Featured Articles

bOB HOmer bOB HOmer

Beaver Fever

The beaver became Canada’s national symbol on March 24, 1975, when the National Symbol of Canada Act received royal assent. Though castor canadensis was already a de facto emblem, found on ancient totem poles, featured on the nation’s first postage stamp, issued in 1851, and appearing on various coats of arms (Manitoba’s, Alberta’s and Toronto’s, among others).

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PoMo Museum PoMo Museum

Moving Port Moody Station

Moving: Port Moody station, just a few steps from where it might once have served many travellers. But it wasn’t always here. How it got here is a tribute to the capabilities and ingenuity of the railroad it served.

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PoMo Museum PoMo Museum

Venosta Railway Car 100 Years Old

Venosta: When she entered service the Venosta was called the Glen Atha as a sleeper car. After 1942 Angus Shops refitted it to increase capacity and she was renamed “Venosta” at that point. Learn about her journey to POMO Museum…

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PoMo Museum PoMo Museum

Garden Projects at the Museum

Garden Projects: We made use of two different British Columbia seed catalogues; we had a catalogue from 1923, and another seed catalogue published in 1949.

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